Monday, March 20, 2017

Nance Major's General Store

Nance Major General Store (late 1900s) Exterior

Cul's Courthouse Grille (2017) Exterior

Nance Major's General Store (1864) Interior

Cul's Courthouse Grille (2017) Interior St. Patricks Day Theme

Site Name: Nance Major’s General Store Date of construction: 1864 Reason for construction: The Nance-Major Store played a vital role in maintaining the ordinary life of the local population in Charles City. The store provided dry goods, sundries, agricultural supplies, and tools that were necessary to support the local agricultural economy. Moreover, as time passed the Major family, major entrepreneurs, adapted their shop to supply the community with whatever was needed. For example, yet not limiting: a blacksmith shop, a livery, a gas station, an automotive and tire repair shop, and an ice delivery service. Brief history of the site: Back in the late 1800’s into early 1900’s the general stores were the only commercial entities in the county. Traveling to higher end stores and businesses in in the developed urban areas was time consuming and expensive, therefore, the farmers and their families depended on the convenience of the general stores to satisfy most all of their everyday needs. Even today, driving across the wide and undeveloped expanses of rural land, there is a noticeable absence of development in Charles City. There weren’t any department stores or large scale grocery stores, and there is only one bank. A drive of thirty to forty minutes is typically required to reach commercial amenities, making Nance’s a go to destination during the time period. Brief history of the surrounding area: Along with the construction of Nance Major’s store, there was also the construction of Nance’s house. The house represents mid to late nineteenth century framing techniques and along with the house was the inclusion of four additional contributing resources: a smokehouse, a grain barn, a tool shed and a garage. These utilitarian buildings complement the rural nature of the property. Across the street from the house and store was Charles City’s old courthouse, built in the early 1730’s. Here is where general Grant's army passed on its way to the river in June of 1864. Along with the passing, it was also the scene of considerable fighting during the Civil War and many of its colonial records were lost. Just recently these documents that were scattered and stolen were recovered and brought back to Charles City’s Historical Society. What About The Site Has Changed?: A tavern stood where the Grill now stands until 1864, when it was burned down by Union troops. The property was purchased by Julia Nance-Major and Ed Major in 1872. It was turned into a general store and even served as a bank and post office at times, due to its proximity to the Courthouse. The store was discontinued around 1987, and was used as storage for almost twenty years while the last descendants of the Nance-Major family lived in the house in the complex. The store has operated as Cul’s Courthouse Grill since 2009. What About The Surrounding Area Has Changed?: Today, the surrounding area, Nance House and The Courthouse, both have changed pretty greatly more or less. Firstly, there is a new courthouse has been built recently, past one hundred years or so. Although the new courthouse is aesthetically new, the ongoing functions and services remain the same. One key highlight includes that the judicial system still takes place in the courthouse, unlike most others in Virginia. On the other hand, Nance’s house has had a little work done to the exterior, mainly for maintenance purposes. The house now functions as a bed and breakfast, mostly rented out by couples recently married for their honeymoon or for out of town guests to stay during the wedding. The estate’s beauty during the spring and summer months has also drawn attention from bikers that stop to eat at the Grille (the house is directly off the bike trail) invoking the urge for them to come back and ask for a tour of the vicinity, resulting in most of them booking their rooms. Reflection: I have been taught about historical places in the city of Richmond since my early childhood, but I have not been taught about many places outside of Richmond city that have historical value as well. Charles City County played an important role during the Revolutionary and Civil War, and the Nance-Major Store housed many American soldiers when it served as a tavern during the Revolutionary War. I was really excited to be visiting such a historical venue that wasn’t in the city of Richmond. Charles City, is largely preserved, as the rural landscape is not severely encroached by urbanization, and the territory is very similar to how it was when these battles took place.

Authors: Jordan Nyles Bowman and Katherine Page


"Charles City County Courthouse." Charles City County Courthouse - Virginia Is For Lovers.
Accessed March 15, 2017.

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service. "National Registration of
Historical Sites Online Document." August 16, 2006. Accessed February 17, 2017.

“Welcome to Cul’s Courthouse Grill.” Cul’s Courthouse Grill, Charles City, Virginia, 2017.

Whttaker, Bonnie. "A History of Cul's Courthouse Grille." A History of Cul's Courthouse  
Grille. October 11, 2009. Accessed February 17, 2017.

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